Take all the Bad Feeling and
Project Good Feeling to Others
As a proper way
of practicing Buddhism,
a true Buddhist
takes all the bad feeling
upon him or herself,
sees that as suffering,
and learns from it
so as to live more fully
the Eightfold Noble Path
to overcome suffering
and bad feeling.
To live a Buddhist life
is living the middle way;
so, to balance bad feeling,
take it upon yourself for practice;
learn to cultivate good feelings,
the immeasurable feelings,
for others.
With the good feelings
projected onto others
and the shouldering
of the bad feelings
upon yourself,
you can then live
a balanced, middle-way life
as a true Buddhist.
Always develop
the opposite feeling
as an antidote for the feeling
you take upon yourself,
which is always
a much harsher feeling
than the one,
you project onto others.
Without taking on
the suffering and pain of others,
you are not, repeat, NOT,
capable of projecting
good feelings onto others,
Dharma Teachings 2401-2500
by Des/Boo-Ngoh