Friday, January 8, 2010

These are the senses:

These are what are here called the Doors to the Senses:
The Eye
The Ear
The Nose
The Tongue
The Body
The Mind

Conscious awareness arises

as a consequence of the contact

of a sense organ with it’s appropriate stimulus.

A Visual Object comes into contact with The Eye,

and Perception of Sight occurs.

From Perception of Sight comes the Sensation associated with Seeing, (experienced as Pleasant, Unpleasant, or Not-Pleasant-But-Not Unpleasant) and Conscious Awareness of Sight.

An act of Identification with the process creates

the experience known as "My Sight", or "I am Seeing."

Arising from this experience comes liking or disliking

depending on the Sensation.

Both Liking and Disliking, are, in the Pali,

forms of Wanting and lead to Action that results in an Outcome

determined by KAMMA.

For this reason,

the Beggar trains himself to be wary of

Sights, Sounds, Scents, Flavors, Touches, and Thoughts.

Being Aware of the Danger,

he Guards "The Doors of the Senses"

and when an Object of Sense comes into the Range of an Organ of Sense,

he neither pays attention to its General Appearance nor to it’s Details.